Tuesday, June 16, 2009

upcoming events

Put your Project on the Blue Ridge Permaculture Network website!

We still have some space to add your project to the “Members work” section of the Blue Ridge Permaculture Network website to help facilitate learning about each others’ project. The website gets a lot of visitors (including the almost 500 people on this listserve!).


Please email Christine at christinegyovai@gmail.com a photo, a description of about 120 words maximum, and a website link to your permaculture or sustainability project by June 23rd to be included on the website.

Super-Efficient. Cost Effective. Carbon-Neutrality Today.
Passive House Workshop
2 Part Series Thursday June 18th and Thursday June 25th
What: Soaring energy costs, rapid climate changes due to greenhouse
gas emissions, and the demand for high indoor air quality all call for
effective solutions from the building sector. With unparalleled superenergy
efficiency and superior air quality, Passive House design also
provides a solution that puts true carbon-neutrality within reach now.
-from the Passive House Institute U.S. - www.passivehouse.us & www.passiv.de
Why : This comprehensive system featuring super energy efficient
design and construction offers an intriguing option for new and retrofit
construction. Passive House buildings may become the norm in the
near future, and are achievable today. Over 20,000 buildings in Europe
have been built using Passive House concepts since 1990.
Who Should Attend : People who have any interest, who are concerned
about the future use of energy, and who want to live and work
in buildings that will make a difference
Presenter : John Semmelhack, principal of Think Little
Where: Charlottesville Community Design Center (CCDC)
100 5th St. NE, Charlottesville, VA
When: Thursday, June 18, 6-8pm – Principles to Passive House
Thursday, June 25, 6-8pm – Exploring Details of Passive Houses
Suggested donation: $12. Reservations are highly recomended.
For reservations & information contact SPARK!
Gilchrist@cvilledesign.org - 434-984-2232

Edible LandscapingAll About Fruit Day - June 20th

All about fruit day is coming up quickly - June 20th - so mark you calendars. We are planning to have a full and exciting day with music and events throughout the day. Please check our website (www.ediblelandscaping.com) for details. Michael would like to invite people who would like to join him 'on stage' playing some music to bring their instruments.

4.This Sunday June, 21 at 7 pm at Clementine Cafe: Peter Bane, publisher of Permaculture Activist will presenet a very timely and pointed lecture, slideshow and discussion entitled, "Permaculture: Sustainability for the Home". Our home is the most important place on the planet and by using permaculture design we can discovered resources and opportunities for increased self reliance and resilience in anticipation of the coming global shifts. Learn how you can make a difference by designing a functional and edible oasis in your home landscape, reduce energy usage and increase community connections by starting at your doorstep. http://www.clementinecafe.com/ Radical Roots Community Farm 3083 Flook Lane Keezletown, VA 22832 (540)810-2587 http://www.radicalrootsfarm.com

Hi everyone,the Charlottesville Community Food Project has begun its second season of providing fresh, local produce to families in the Cville area who are in need. I just wanted to send out a reminder that if you'll be out of town for a week or two, and would like to donate your CSA share for those pick-up days you'll miss, we would be glad to get that wonderful food into the hands of a family that otherwise couldn't afford it. If you'd like to donate your share (or would like more information, or to see how else you might be able to work with us,) please email us at cvillecfp@gmail.com or call (434) 806-6441. Thank you.-Mark ParletteCCFPcvillecfp@gmail.com(434) 804-6441http://ccfp.wordpress.com/about/

Rappahannock League for Environmental Protection's Piedmont Alternative Energy & Electric Vehicle EXPO coming June 20

Thinking of building or converting with solar or geothermal, or using energy-efficient and green building materials? Have questions about electric vehicles? Concerned about dependence on fossil fuels or climate change? Looking for a child-friendly event? Come to the fourth annual Piedmont Alternative Energy & Electric Vehicle Expo, which will take place on Saturday, June 20, 2009, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., near Warrenton, Virginia. A nominal admission of $5 per adult is charged, with children and students admitted free. http://www.rlep.org/programs/expo2009/index.htm

14th Anniversary Celebration and Annual Meeting

Corporate Sustainability: The Business Community’s Role in Advancing Climate Protection

June 25, 2009

10:00 AM -3:30PM

University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia

Virginia Sustainable Building Network
P.O. Box 6539 Arlington, VA 22206
703-486-2966/fax 703-486-8213

Earth Ball 2009 in D.C. for the Common Good City Farm
Earth Ball promotes and educates our citizens on the creative and innovative options available to reduce our energy dependency. Proceeds benefit Common Good City Farm! More information and to register: http://earthball2009.homestead.com/
Proceeds benefit Common Good City Farm!
June 19th, 2009 6:00 PM