Wednesday, January 13, 2010

upcoming events

Greetings All,

Below you will find info on upcoming permaculture and sustainability events in the near future in the central Virginia bioregion – lots of exciting happenings coming up including a potluck and community talk with Dave Jacke on Feb. 13 in Harrisonburg!

For more information about permaculture events, see our website: If you know anyone else that would like to sign up for this newsletter, or if you have an announcement, email Christine at for the next update, which are sent monthly.

Christine and the Blue Ridge Permaculture Network team

Spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course

Starts this weekend! There may be a few spaces left. Email to inquire.

The spring 2010 Permaculture Design Course: Sustainability Strategies for the Blue Ridge, over four weekends in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia.

This 72-hour ecological design certificate course, presented by the Blue Ridge Permaculture Network, will be offered over four weekends with leading permaculture teachers including Dave Jacke, Christine Gyovai and Dave O’Neill. The course will be held in Harrisonburg, Virginia, on the following dates:

Jan. 15-18, Feb. 12-15, March 13-14, and April 10-11.

The cost for this course will be a sliding scale, $995-$1200. To register please contact Terry Lilley at


Come One, Come All!

With special guest Dave Jacke, for a talk on “Ecosystem Agriculture and Forest Gardens”

Sat. Feb. 13th, 2010
Potluck 6:30 -7:30 (bring a dish and utensils)
Talk from 7:30 – 9:00 pm

Location: Martin Chapel, located in the Seminary building at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA
Click on the Map link from the website:

For additional information, see the website:

RSVP and Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required, by emailing Terry Lilley at:


Will Allen workshops return to Lynchburg Grows

March 5-6, 2010 (Fri. & Sat.)

Lynchburg Grows is welcoming back urban-farm guru Will Allen for two days of
workshops, March 5-6, 2010 (Fri. & Sat.). Allen, a 2008 MacArthur
fellowship recipient and co-founder of Milwaukee-based Growing Power, Inc. (, taught hands-on
workshops at Lynchburg Grows in the Spring of 2009 that focused on worm
farming, aquaponics (using fish to grow plants), growing and selling
chemical-free produce and building local food systems.

Lynchburg Grows is a Regional Outreach Training Center for Growing Power.
Contact Michael G. Van Ness, Executive Director, Lynchburg Grows at for more workshop information.

Office: 1339 Englewood St., Lynchburg, VA 24501
Directions: Englewood is off Fort Ave., one street south of Lynchburg City
Drive to the end of the road; the office is located in the concrete building
to the right.

Phone: (434) 846-5665 Web Site:
"Changing lives one garden at a time."

Central Virginia Community College (in Lynchburg) continuing education class
“Choices for Sustainable Living” which runs two Tuesday evenings: Feb 2 & 9 from 7 to 9pm.

The purpose of the class is for each participant to come away with a deeper understanding of our environmental situation and realize the impact of everyday choices. Reducing energy and resource consumption will play center stage as we tackle issues in our homes, shopping carts, cars, gardens and communities. Active participation is essential! By course end, everyone will have a plan and tools to live lighter and be an active force in the shift toward sustainable living. This course will go way beyond just changing your light bulbs.

What’s the catch? CVCC charges a small fee for course ($79). But you should be able to make that up with all the money and energy saving you’ll be doing after the course. We are aiming for 90% reductions in most areas.

For more information, the link for the course flyer is:
and the CVCC Continuing Education page:
or contact the instructor, Vicky Peterson, at

Please spread the word about the debut of “Exploring the Small Farm Dream” course in Charlottesville in February 2010. More information available at:,266,2727,0,html/Feb-1-8-15-22-amp-Mar-6-Exploring-the-Small-Farm-Dream.

Who should attend?
Career changers and farm newbies breaking into agricultural pursuits
Farm apprentices interested in launching their own careers
Current farmers expanding into a new enterprise
Anyone considering starting a farm business on their property

Learn from guest speakers:
Richard Bean of Double H Farm
Ramona and Collins Huff of Gryffon’s Aerie
Gail Hobbs-Page of Caromont Farm
Lee O’Neill of Radical Roots Community Farm
Chuck and Charlotte Shelton of Albemarle Ciderworks
Tom and Anita Weber of Heaven and Earth Acres

Exploring the Small Farm Dream
Feb. 1, 8, 15 & 22 (optional field trip March 6th to Local Food Hub Educational Farm )
At Piedmont Virginia Community College (Charlottesville)

Register by visiting (Search Spring 2010, Noncredit, Agriculture & Natural Resources – Exploring the Small Farm Dream)
or call 434-961-5354 – Workforce Services at Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Cost: $149 for 4 sessions, field trip and workbook

Stacey Carlberg
Fellowship Coordinator
Piedmont Environmental Council
540-341-0175 ext.1

The Art of Wild Fermentation
One-Day Class: Saturday, January 16
10am – 2:30pm
Learn to make delicious lacto-fermented foods in this hands-on workshop. Fermentation is a traditional way of food preparation that not only preserves the harvest but also yields greater nourishment, a healthier digestive system, and thus increased vitality. We will make kimchi, brined garlic, lacto-fermented beets and ginger carrots, all of which can be easily incorporated into meals. We will also make some fermented and cultured beverages including kombucha, honey wine and sodas that are actually good for you. There will be a wide array of samples and you will leave with the skills necessary to begin lacto-fermenting foods at home.
This class will be taught by community herbalist, Suzanna Stone
Herbal teas will be provided at all the one day workshops. Please pack a bag lunch.
Fee for the class is $75.

Sacred Plant Traditions
Weekend Foundations Class in 2010 (almost full) in herbal medicine.

These programs are for those wishing to help their friends and families maintain health, deepen their plant knowledge or begin the training as a community herbalist. The curriculum is dynamic, contemplative and provides a sense of community as we move through the seasons learning each step of the process.

We begin with learning how to listen to the landscape before we even make a change in the garden. We learn Stephen Buhner’s Deep Diagnostic work as well as other techniques for working directly with the land. We then move to permaculture & biodynamic practices to see that medicine is borne of the soil and the environment. Herbalists are synonymous with eco activists as we tend and steward all places to protect the medicines. We will learn the nature of nature – ours as well as our gardens, fields and meadows. In June we will take a field trip to Southern Virginia Herbals, home and herb farm of Robbie Wooding. We will see woods grown goldenseal, ginseng and other woodland medicinals and experience the challenges, possibilities and enchantment of living the tradition of the land.

We will study the organ systems and their anatomy, physiology and basic functioning. We will focus on Western definitions of body systems with a major focus being constitutional language of Eclectics and contemporary teachers such as Michael Moore, Matthew Wood and others. We will follow the seasons learning the language of Traditional Chinese Medicine as it relates to the changes that are affected by moving through the wheel of the year.

Please see website for more info. Interviews are required.

Online Seminars:
Urban Beekeeping: Dos and Don'ts - Ins and Outs
If you live in an urban area and are keeping bees or have thought about keeping bees than you won't want to miss this. We will have a conversation with 3 urban beekeepers with very different backgrounds and approaches. Cindy Bee, a beekeeper in the Atlanta, GA area, Toni Burnham in Washington, DC, and Cameo Wood in San Francisco. Registration is free but space is limited.
Title: Urban Beekeeping: Dos and Don'ts - Ins and Outs
Date: Sunday, January 24. 2010
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

LIVING EARTH School Spring INTERNSHIP: We offer a spring internship beginning
in mid March- May, 2010. It is an instructor training program based in nature mentoring, primitive living skills, natural history, plus permaculture and gardening opportunities. Our unique Earth Based Mentoring model, allows participants to draw upon ancient wisdom to restore connections and awaken the natural cycle of learning within. Gain the skills necessary for the field, be mentored in the ways of connecting with the earth, and join an amazing team, here in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. There will be an opportunity for a community involved setting, where all participants can learn and live together cooperatively on the land. Plus create and tend their own garden plot and be involved with the creation of a permaculture camp center.

Please contact us to find out more or to get an application.
Kate and Hub Knott
The Living Earth School
101 Rocky Bottom lane
Afton, VA 22920
(540) 456-7339

JRGBC Green Lunch: LEEDv3L: What's New for You?
Tuesday, January 19 at noon
Join the James River Green Building Council for the kick off to their 2010 Green Lunch series at CCDC. The series kicks off with a presentation by Sandra Leibowitz Earley, principal of Sustainable Design Consulting in Richmond, Virginia. The U.S. Green Building Council released its new version of LEED ® in April of 2009, titled “v3.” This comprehensive program consists of three components: LEED 2009 rating systems, the LEED certification model, and LEED-Online v3. The session will demystify the changes that have occurred, providing insight into credit alignment, regional credits, and credit weightings. Lunch will be provided free of charge; however, advance registration is required:

Executive Director, Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP)
LEAP is a new community-based (Charlottesville and Albemarle County, VA) nonprofit whose mission is to help facilitate unprecedented utility (energy and water) savings by retrofitting buildings and installing renewable technologies in residential and commercial buildings. Based on an alliance and membership model, LEAP will work directly with property owners as well as stakeholders in government, business, and other nonprofits to help create a sustainable energy future for our community. Visit the SEEA website: to download a copy of the complete job description. Closing date for resumes is January 20.

Free online course in Sustainability that is being offered by BTH (Blekinge Technical Institute) in Sweden. This course is an introduction to the Sustainability Principles and the Framework for Sustainable Development used by The Natural Step and developed by Karl-Henrik Robert and others. There is no charge except for the textbook.
For more information
Begin the online application at:


A Permaculture Perspective: Living in Authenticity During Energ...
Sep 13, 2008 - 26:26
Bill Wilson, Midwest Permaculture Institute, Stelle, Illinois. Presented at "A Renaissance of Local", Lyons, Colorado, September 2007. The 2007 Renaissance of Local was a county-wide community festival, conference and expo celebrating local food, local energy, local economy, local culture, and local community. It was an energizing focus for Boulder County Going Local! in their campaign to build community self-sufficiency and to strengthen the local economy through partnership, collaboration, and engagement.

And another great video:

tricycle gardens (in Richmond) presents:



Please join us for 10 evenings of stimulating and challenging discussions on topics related to the ecological age. Each session will be led by a guest lecturer with expertise in the topic of discussion for the evening. Participants will be provided readings and links to websites and videos to study a week in advance of each meeting. The goal of this seminar is to increase our knowledge and capacity to act as ecologically informed individuals and members of a network of concerned citizens.

Cost: $200, includes course materials and closing dinner. Scholarships available (please inquire).

Dates: Alternate Wednesdays,
January 27th thru June 2nd, 7-9pm
Location: Tricycle Gardens Headquarters
Limited to 25 participants.
Call to attend a single session. $25 (Space Available)

TRICYCLE GARDENS, 211 West 7th Street, Richmond VA, 23224, ph 804.231-7767,
Space is limited.

Via email or snail mail, please describe your reasons for taking this seminar. How is this seminar related to your work and/or participation in sustainable projects? How do you plan to put into practice what you learn from this seminar? Describe the knowledge, expertise, and experience you bring to the seminar.


New Tools for Understanding the World:
Urban Ecology and Eco-Literacy

January 27th : Tara DePorte, Program Director, Lower East Side Ecology Center, NYC : Constructing a sustainable way of life depends on the development of new knowledge and skills. What knowledge and systems of knowledge production and distribution are necessary to enable citizens to construct a sustainable way of local and global life? What does it mean to think and act ecologically?

Feeding Ourselves: Food and Food Access

February 10th : Michael Van Ness, Executive Director, Lynchburg Grows :The human population stands at nearly 6.8 billion persons, and is expected to reach 9 billion by 2040. As of 2008, for the first time in history, more than 50% of human beings lived in cities or towns, and this percentage is expected to increase steadily in the coming decades. How do we design and build food systems that are capable of providing food to an increasingly urbanized population?

The Ecology of Health & Nutrition

February 24th : Sally Norton, Scientific / Program Administrator

Department of Social and Behavioral Health; School of Medicine; Virginia Commonwealth University : Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and stroke are among the leading causes of disability and death in the United States and increasingly around the world. They are also closely linked to diet and lifestyle. How might local agriculture help provide food that promotes individual and societal health and wellness? How can local agriculture promote health and wellness in Richmond communities?

Creating an Ecological Culture

March 10th : Rev. Jeanne Pupke, The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Richmond : Many contemporary cultural/social philosophers and critics contend that our environmental and economic crises are interrelated and deeply shaped by our world view, including our definitions of “progress,” “freedom,” “development,” and the “good life.” How might we define these concepts in a way that contributes to building a sustainable relationship to nature and how might religion, philosophy, art, and science contribute to the formation of an ecological world view?

Local Agriculture, Traditional Skills & the Green Economy

March 24th : Leni A. Sorensen, Ph.D., African-American Research Historian, Monticello : Local agriculture is the fastest growing sector of the food economy and is creatively reshaping our relationship to the earth, to our communities, and to ourselves. How is the development of local agriculture related to constructing an economy that makes it possible for individuals and communities to prosper and for society to establish a solid foundation for sustainable growth?

Building Permaculture

April 7th : Lisa Taranto, Executive Director, Tricycle Gardens

Permaculture involves the development of agricultural systems that mimic the diversity, stability, and resilience of ecosystems. How can we promote the development of permaculture in Richmond and other urban centers and how can we utilize the principles of permaculture to design other systems on which we depend, including education, transportation, recreation, politics, and economics?

Re-Imagining Cities: Systems Thinking & Small Economies

April 21st : Timothy Beatley, PhD, Teresa Heinz Professor of
Sustainable Communities, School of Architecture, University of Virginia :

How can these systems thinking and small economies help inform urban planning in Richmond? How can mixed zoning and policies to promote sustainable public transportation, energy, and food systems, and the integration of work, home, and recreation help us build a sustainable city?

Climate and Cultural Change

May 5th : Richard Taranto, Ret. CDR, USN, Oceanography & Meteorology :

The international scientific community indicates that global warming, oceanic and other climatic changes are significantly altering rainfall patterns, growing seasons, and agricultural zones. How can we adjust productively to these changes and also grow and distribute food in a way that contributes to long-term environmental stability.

Ecological Policies for an Ecological Age

May 19th : Guest: TBA

Government policies play an important role in fostering technological innovation and economic growth. How can local, state, and federal policies help encourage sustainable development? How can trade agreements, farm legislation, and transportation policies support green business practices? How do we create a business model that rests firmly on ecological principles, including concern for long-term growth and sustainability?

Ushering in the Ecological Age

June 2nd : No Guest, pure discussion

International scientific organizations indicate the earth’s ecosystems are in serious and potentially irrecoverable change. How do we preserve these systems to ensure our health as a species and the health of the larger biotic community? How can we develop in a way that replenishes these systems and deepens our capacity to act as wise stewards of the earth’s interrelated ecosystems? (Includes dinner.)