Saturday, January 31, 2009

How To Live Your Values When You Cannot Afford To Otherwise

Intro and Tour of Blue Ridge Cohousing, Crozet Virginia February 15, 2pm

Cohousing: How To Live Your Values When You Cannot Afford To Otherwise

Do you dream of living in an ecologically constructed solar home that

has a pool, orchard, gardens, edible landscaping and playground? There

is a solution!

Come find out more about cohousing, a modern alternative for creating an

old-fashioned, sustainable community where neighbors interact. See

regional cohousing experts present a slideshow and talk about their

cohousing lifestyle. Learn what to expect as we complete the

Charlottesville area's first cohousing neighborhood. Tour our Common

House and property. Enjoy snacks, drinks and games for children.

The slideshow and Q&A session will last from 2pm to 3pm, followed by a

tour and social.

For directions, visit

We look forward to seeing you.


Blue Ridge Cohousing

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